Theme Settings
Glow offers a wide range of configuration settings so that you can customize your publication in many ways and get the most out of it.
Site Wide Settings
These global settings are designed to manage and customize the overall aspects of your site experience.
You can find all the site wide settings in Settings
--> Design & branding
--> Site wide
Glow includes a wide variety of fonts that you can use to customize the appearance of your publication and give it a unique look that sets it apart from the rest. The options include serif fonts, sans serif fonts, and even slab serif fonts. Below, you can see the complete list of fonts:
- Albert Sans
- Alegreya
- Archivo
- Be Vietnam Pro
- Bespoke Slab
- Bricolage Grotesque
- DM Sans
- Domine
- Epilogue
- Fira Sans
- Fraunces
- Geist
- General Sans
- Hind
- Hubot Sans
- Inter
- Literata
- Lora
- Mona Sans
- Newsreader
- Noto Serif
- Onest
- Piazzolla
- Plus Jakarta Sans
- Poppins
- Roboto
- Roboto Slab
- Rowan
- Rubik
- Satoshi
- Sora
- Source Sans
- Source Serif
- Spline Sans
- Urbanist
- Vollkorn
- Zodiak
You can choose the font you want for both the titles and the rest of the content displayed on all pages of the site. All fonts are available in both settings, regardless of whether they are serif fonts or sans serif fonts, providing an immense number of possible combinations.
By default, Glow uses the Inter
font for titles and the Geist
font for the rest of the content. If you want to change the font for titles, you can do so in the Title font
setting, and if you want to change the font for the rest of the content, you can do so in the Body font
setting, as shown in the following screenshot:
The font files are included in the theme locally, so they will be hosted on your server without the need to load them from external services such as Google Fonts, ensuring that your site complies with the General Data Protection Regulation.
Native Custom Fonts
As of version 1.5.0 of the theme, support for custom fonts has been added, this means that it is now possible to replace the default fonts of the theme with the fonts that Ghost offers natively. This allows publishers to have more control over their branding and have a wider range of options to customize their publication.
This new option can be found in the design Brand settings as shown below:
If you want to return to the default fonts, simply select the Theme default option in the corresponding field.
This option is only available if you're using Ghost 5.101.0 or later and Glow 1.5.0 or later.
Glow Colors
To add a unique and beautiful touch to your publication, the theme displays a glow in various parts of the site (hence its name). This glow is composed of two colors, which are #FF64C1
and #FF9447
by default. As expected, the theme allows you to customize both colors to suit your taste and preferences.
You can change the colors individually through the Glow color 1
and Glow color 2
settings. Each of them allows you to enter the color value manually in hexadecimal format or visually using the available color picker.
Portal for Membership Experience
If you want to use Portal for all Members functionalities instead of the ones provided by the theme you can enable the Portal for membership experience
setting as shown in the following screenshot:
By enabling this option all links and buttons for sign up, sign in, newsletter, account and other membership-related features will use the Portal interface instead of linking to the custom pages that the theme provides.
Footnote Text Override
By default, the theme will display a footnote in the footer that includes the copyright symbol, the current year, the title of the publication, and credits to the Ghost platform, for example, "© 2024 Glow Ghost Theme — Proudly published with Ghost".
If you wish to replace that text with your own, you can do so in the Footnote text override
setting, as shown in the following screenshot:
If for some reason you wish to restore the default text, just clear the text you have entered in the corresponding field.
Posts Per Page
By default, Glow displays up to 10 entries per page. If you wish to modify this number, please follow these steps:
Create a backup of the theme file (
)Unzip the theme file
Open the file
with a code editorLook for the next line of code and change its value as you prefer
"posts_per_page": 12, // Default is 10
Save your changes
Zip the theme and upload it again
Disable Glow
If you want your publication to have a simpler and more minimalist appearance, you can disable the glow that is displayed in various parts of the site. Keep in mind that by disabling this option, the colors you have defined for the glow will no longer be used.
To disable it, simply inject the following code in Settings
-> Code injection
-> Site Header
:root {
--show-glow: none;
Disable Sticky Header
The main navigation menu located at the top of the site automatically hides when scrolling down and reappears when scrolling up. It remains visible until you scroll in the opposite direction again.
If you want to disable this functionality, you can inject the following code in Settings
-> Code injection
-> Site Footer
var disableStickyHeader = true;
By disabling this option, the menu will stay in its initial position and will not be visible again until you scroll back to the top of the page.
Homepage Settings
These settings will help you customize the appearance of the homepage, particularly the initial section (also known as hero section).
You can find all the site wide settings in Settings
--> Design & branding
--> Homepage
Hero Title
By default, the theme will use the title of the publication as the title of the hero section. If you want to display a custom text instead, you can set it in the Hero title
setting, as shown in the following screenshot:
If you want to revert the change and display the publication title, you can simply clear the text field.
Hero Description
By default, the theme will use the description of the publication as the description text of the hero section (aka tagline). If you want to display a custom text instead, you can set it in the Hero description
setting, as shown in the following screenshot:
If you want to revert the change and display the publication description, you can simply clear the text field.
Hero Image
In addition to a title and description, you can also set the image you want to appear in the hero section to further customize the homepage. To do this, simply upload the desired image in the Hero image
setting, as shown in the following screenshot:
The theme does not use the publication cover by default because, in case you want to maintain a more minimalist design without an image, deleting the cover would also remove it from social media previews and search results.
Use Custom Call to Action
By default, Glow displays a button in the first section of the homepage that, when pressed, will redirect users to the registration page for subscribing to your publication or open the Portal interface for logging in if the Portal for membership experience
setting is enabled. This button shows a predefined text and is visible to users who are not yet subscribers. Once they register and log in, the button becomes unavailable for such users.
If you want to use a custom Call To Action button that is always available for any user, you can configure it in the theme options. Simply enable the Use custom CTA
setting. Once enabled, both the custom text and URL that you set in the Custom CTA text
and Custom CTA url
settings will replace the button label and its associated URL.
Number of Latest Posts
On the homepage, a section displaying the latest posts is shown. By default, up to 5 posts are displayed. If you wish to adjust this limit, you can do so by selecting a different number in the setting Latest posts limit
as shown in the following screenshot:
The available options range from a limit of 3 posts to a maximum of 10.
Please note that the number you select cannot exceed the value defined in the Post Per Page
setting. If the limit exceeds that value, the remaining posts simply will not be displayed.
Show Pagination
By default Glow displays an excerpt of the latest posts on the home page, if the user wants to browse through all available posts, they can do so by clicking on the "Latest Posts" link at the top of the section. If you want pagination buttons to be visible in the latest posts section, you can enable the Show pagination
option as shown in the following screenshot:
This is especially useful if for some reason you don't want to display featured tag sections on the home page and instead prefer to have users browse all available posts from the home page.
This setting is available from version 1.4.0 of the theme.
Featured Tags
Glow offers the possibility of displaying sections of featured tags on the homepage. You can choose the tags you want to highlight in this section, and there is no limit to the number of tags you can add.
To add sections of featured tags, you can do so in the Featured tags
setting. In this field, you should enter a list of tag slugs separated by commas, as shown in the following screenshot:
You can view the slug of each tag when you create or edit it in the Ghost Admin, as shown in the following screenshot:
If you enter the slug of a tag that does not exist, it will be ignored, and the section for that tag will not be displayed.
Number of Posts in Featured Tags Section
By default, the theme displays up to 4 posts for each featured tag section. If you wish to adjust this limit, you can do so by injecting the following code in Settings
-> Code injection
-> Site Footer
var featuredTagsSectionPostsLimit = 6;
Please note that the number you set cannot exceed the value defined in the Post Per Page
setting. If the limit exceeds that value, the remaining posts simply will not be displayed.
Disable Hero Animation
By default, in the hero section of the homepage, you can see an animation where the background image becomes larger while simultaneously reducing its opacity according to the scroll movement. If for any reason you wish to disable this animation, you can inject the following code in Settings
-> Code injection
-> Site Footer
var disableHomeHeroAnimation = true;
Post Settings
These settings only affect the appearance and behavior of posts and pages.
You can find all the site wide settings in Settings
--> Design & branding
--> Post
Post Body Font
To provide an excellent reading experience, Glow defaults to the Source Serif
font for the text that is part of a post or page body. However, if you want to change the font, you can do so in the Post body font
setting, as shown in the following screenshot:
Keep in mind that this font is also used in the excerpt displayed on the post cards around the site.
This font does not affect the text found in dynamic cards such as headers, bookmarks, toggles, callouts, product cards, etc.
Disable Quote Sharing
By default, the theme displays a couple of buttons next to quotes to share a link that leads directly to the corresponding quote, as shown in the following screenshot:
If you want to disable this functionality, you can inject the following code in Settings
-> Code injection
-> Site Footer
var disableQuoteSharing = true;